The article only reflects nuts and bolts of a process and does not reflect that a Scottish Government, following independence, will not continue in its present form. All Scottish voices will be heard and votes will elected MPs on only Scottish issues. not how to hold the English at bay!

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No. Following independence if the SNP is in control of the process of achieving that independence (which it intends to be) it will garner a massive vote as "thanks", which this version of the SNP is very skilled at hanging onto, corruptly if necessary. The example is of course the ANC, you don't need me to explain. If as Mr Shafi shows I think, the SNP leadership intend virtually to create a mini-neoliberal-UK in Scotland, it is naive to think there will be some sort of media-neutral open-to-all-equally opportunity for Scottish voices. That may suit you, it sure as hell wouldn't suit me.

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