In amongst everything I’ve overlooked the monthly digest. So, while this one is a little late, it’s still useful as a round up to forward to interested friends and networks.
Can I welcome all of you who have recently subscribed. Hopefully, the content is useful and interesting. I’d also like to extend a special thanks to those of you who have taken out paid subscriptions. The newsletter does take time to produce and research. With the podcast coming out soon, that will add to the workload. Your contributions are therefore greatly appreciated and help make this work sustainable.
Equally, the content will always be free and public. Partly because the point is to promote some arguments and ideas (and to encourage debate), but also because there has been such a deluge of fundraisers and appeals requested of independence supporters over the years.
Of course, not all subscribers will support independence. It is down to all of us to raise the standard of debate in Scotland. This is especially true as we enter a severe economic crisis, with tens of thousands of people employed in the public sector already set to lose their jobs.
The newsletter has a packed agenda for the coming weeks. Added to the existing topics, we will also take a look at the soon to be released policy papers on independence.
In the meantime, here is the last month (or so) of Independence Captured…
April 27th: The independence movement must fully register the defeat of 2014
Learning from the past is crucial, but that doesn't mean living in it
May 11th: Avoiding hyperbole - some thoughts on the Scottish council elections
Stasis around the constitution prevails, as does SNP dominance
May 18th: NATO, Trident and Independence
Unraveling the contradictions in the SNP case
May 25th: As the world changes, the SNP stands still
The Growth Commission lives...
June 1st: Tipping Point
The true colours of the SNP leadership are becoming more obvious with each passing week
June 8th: A question of trust
A weak and divided Tory party has exposed the lack of independence planning